Thursday, October 2, 2008

Practical Metaphysics - Water & Music

When it comes to discovering simple and natural ways of taking care of the whole you (body, mind & spirit) look no further than the mystical and healing qualities of water and music.

Water, the most abundant resource on earth, and which comprises approximately 70% of human beings, remains one of the most enigmatic and mysterious elements known.
Music, exclusive to the human experience, is a metaphysical language that transcends words, cultures and geographic boundaries and can speak to the very foundations of our hearts, emotions and our cellular structure.
Together, music and water, combined with intent, form a powerful natural and holistic healing elixir that can be taken with zero side effects. The best part is, there is little or no cost to incorporating this knowledge and practice into your daily life and benefiting from this natural healing remedy.


For those who may be new to this idea the work and research of Dr. Masaru Emoto is a great place to start. In a published document titled “Miraculous Messages from Water” Dr. Emoto’s work is explained and exampled in very easy to understand terms. Though controversy erupted over Dr. Emoto’s methods and lab procedures from scientific peer review, new studies and findings on waters ability to retain memory are again validating ancient wisdoms and Dr. Emoto’s work.

Recently New Scientist Magazine published an article entitled “13 things That Do Not Make Sense” in which Madeleine Ennis, a pharmacologist at Queen's University, Belfast, and a staunch opponent of homeopathy, undertook a study to refute the idea that water holds memory. Madeleine Ennis, surprised at her findings, confirmed through four different lab studies, was quoted as saying "We are unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to encourage others to investigate this phenomenon."


There is another concept which the ancients understood and which will eventually be recognized by modern scientists. This is the concept of "intention," the understanding that sound/music has the ability to transmit the intention of the one creating the sound to the one receiving the sound. Intention is the energy behind the sound. It is the thought and will which we have when making music or sound. If you are angry or sad when making a sound, despite the frequency of the sound (which creates its resonance), the effect of the sound will convey anger or sadness. Conversely, if we are happy or joyful when we create the sound, its effect, regardless of the actual sound being created, will be one of joy.

Dr. Masaru Emoto's work provided factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. So wait no longer to begin using music and water in your daily life. Break out the water, the music and your positive affirmations. As you drink and use this water and it becomes a part of your cellular structure, be sure to take note of the positive changes that occur in your life. Music Heals!

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