The changes that we are experiencing in our world and society, financially, ecologically and scientifically give witness to a fundamental shift in our collective consciousness.
Recently the light has been shinning on (exposing) our nations automobile industry. Let it be noted that the true colors of anything are never seen until darkness is dispelled by light. The auto industry in this country, with their hands out to the bail-out money plot, whining and lamenting their woe's, can now be clearly seen as another shining example that The Shift is on.
Does anyone not know that numerous, documentable accounts for patents of alternative and highly efficient transportation technologies have been procurred and suppressed by this countries automobile manufacturers? Why? Greed, power, money?
A very recent and clear example of this continued mindset on the part of auto manufacturers demonstrates this exact point.

Repeatable and provable science today unveils amazing solutions to a global dependence on fossil fuel. As this knowledge grows and infuses humanities consciousness we will all see that the solution has been with us since the beginning. Water burns!
Whether it is water, electromagnetic, or another alternative energy solution, it is abundantly clear that a shift is in progress. Exactly how that shift "shows up" directly relates to our belief, our will, and our inherent abilities to imagine a better way. The formula has been with us all along; Inspiration/Imagination + energy = matter