Monday, November 17, 2008
Noticing the Shift
The changes that we are experiencing in our world and society, financially, ecologically and scientifically give witness to a fundamental shift in our collective consciousness.
Recently the light has been shinning on (exposing) our nations automobile industry. Let it be noted that the true colors of anything are never seen until darkness is dispelled by light. The auto industry in this country, with their hands out to the bail-out money plot, whining and lamenting their woe's, can now be clearly seen as another shining example that The Shift is on.
Does anyone not know that numerous, documentable accounts for patents of alternative and highly efficient transportation technologies have been procurred and suppressed by this countries automobile manufacturers? Why? Greed, power, money?
A very recent and clear example of this continued mindset on the part of auto manufacturers demonstrates this exact point.
The Caterpillar to Butterfly Analogy - It is perhaps time to let the auto industry die to itself so that the metamorphosis of our collective consciousness, now underway, can manifest a balanced, ecological and sustainable new reality.
Repeatable and provable science today unveils amazing solutions to a global dependence on fossil fuel. As this knowledge grows and infuses humanities consciousness we will all see that the solution has been with us since the beginning. Water burns!
Whether it is water, electromagnetic, or another alternative energy solution, it is abundantly clear that a shift is in progress. Exactly how that shift "shows up" directly relates to our belief, our will, and our inherent abilities to imagine a better way. The formula has been with us all along; Inspiration/Imagination + energy = matter
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Stress-Relief and Relaxation through Hypnosis
Is your life full of stress that you just can't seem to get rid of?
Hundreds out there just like you feel trapped in the hustle and bustle of life, without even a minute to spare to simply sit down, free their minds, and relax. But now, you can find relaxation from the comfort of your own home: Hypnosis Downloads. While many of you might have always thought you can only be hypnotized by a certified therapist for hundreds of dollars, there is such a thing as self-hypnosis.
Just imagine it... in a few minutes you could be feeling absolutely amazing. Using the incredible power of your own mind, the advanced hypnosis downloads will move you gently into a deeply relaxed and powerfully focused state free from stress, where normal worries melt away and you can enjoy a state of relaxation like the deepest meditation. The best part about it is that you can achieve this natural stress relief without ever leaving the house! At Hypnosis Downloads, you can look for help for yourself or even learn hypnosis and get hypnosis scripts in order to help other people achieve a calm and peaceful state of mind.
Put a stop to the seemingly endless pain and suffering of stress. Find the solution to your problems at Hypnosis Downloads.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Someone I love is hurting!
It was only the slightest bump against her hand that sent rolling tears of pain down the cheeks of someone very close to me. It was an incident that really opened my eyes to the suffering that millions of people experience with arthritis, including someone I love.
Finally... A Safe, Effective, All Natural Pain Reliever
Dan Monahan had reached the point where he was willing to try
anything - anything to ease the constant pain and inflammation in his leg. He could no longer walk. Even standing was uncomfortable.
His doctor gave him several prescription medicines but nothing helped. Pain was ruining his life. When Dan saw an ad for this natural pain reliever, he was skeptical. How could this product work when every prescription his doctor gave him hadn't? But he decided to give it a try. Let Dan tell you what happened:
"Was I pleasantly surprised! After only 2 to 3 days on the activation
dose, I noticed reduced inflammation and less pain in my leg."
After just three weeks, Dan started walking again. This all natural
product worked for Dan when all of his prescription drugs hadn't. You can relieve your constant, burning pain when prescription drugs no longer work - just like Dan did - with Heal-n-Soothe.
That's because Heal-n-Soothe works differently than prescription drugs. Here's how:
Prescription drugs reduce inflammation by switching off important
compounds your body needs. Many are vital to your health. Eventually, you may need more drugs to get the same relief. Or worse, you experience dangerous side effects caused by drugs that are supposed to help you feel better.
Heal-n-Soothe works with nature by adding more of the enzymes that naturally reduce inflammation. With Heal-n-Soothe, your body has everything it needs to repair and renew your muscles and joints. You have less pain as a result - with no life threatening side effects.
So if you're in constant pain and prescription drugs no longer help,
don't wait another second. Click here to ease your pain and cool
inflammation with Heal-n-Soothe!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Self-Healing Expressions
An extremely effective method of healing yourself is to gain peace and understanding within your body and mind. At Self-Healing Expressions, you can find a natural solution to emotional, spiritual, and physical problems through the courses provided in these three areas of natural healing. Their mission is to educate and empower individuals towards greater health, well-being and harmony with the earth and each other. In order to achieve this, they offer various holistic courses that can help you improve your life.
Some Emotional Healing courses include Grief-Healing, Pet Loss, Life Purpose, and many other courses to help you heal your emotional difficulties in natural holistic ways. Of the Spiritual Healing courses, you will find Shamanism, Feng Shui, Miracles, and others to help you naturally develop your spirituality as a means of bringing peace within yourself. While natural internal healing is important, so is natural external healing. To provide Physical Healing, courses teaching Reiki, Nutrition, and even Laughter Therapy are offered to you and can improve your physical health along with the emotional and spiritual.
No matter which part of your life needs healing right now, there is a holistic course available from Self-Healing Expressions that can help you in the most natural way. Courses are taught by certified professionals in their area of expertise; they can be relied upon to help improve your life when it is most desired. Visit Self-Healing Expressions today and find out how you can let them help you achieve peace within and around yourself, through emotional, spiritual, and physical healing.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Practical Metaphysics - Water & Music
Water, the most abundant resource on earth, and which comprises approximately 70% of human beings, remains one of the most enigmatic and mysterious elements known.
Music, exclusive to the human experience, is a metaphysical language that transcends words, cultures and geographic boundaries and can speak to the very foundations of our hearts, emotions and our cellular structure.
Together, music and water, combined with intent, form a powerful natural and holistic healing elixir that can be taken with zero side effects. The best part is, there is little or no cost to incorporating this knowledge and practice into your daily life and benefiting from this natural healing remedy.
For those who may be new to this idea the work and research of Dr. Masaru Emoto is a great place to start. In a published document titled “Miraculous Messages from Water” Dr. Emoto’s work is explained and exampled in very easy to understand terms. Though controversy erupted over Dr. Emoto’s methods and lab procedures from scientific peer review, new studies and findings on waters ability to retain memory are again validating ancient wisdoms and Dr. Emoto’s work.
Recently New Scientist Magazine published an article entitled “13 things That Do Not Make Sense” in which Madeleine Ennis, a pharmacologist at Queen's University, Belfast, and a staunch opponent of homeopathy, undertook a study to refute the idea that water holds memory. Madeleine Ennis, surprised at her findings, confirmed through four different lab studies, was quoted as saying "We are unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to encourage others to investigate this phenomenon."
There is another concept which the ancients understood and which will eventually be recognized by modern scientists. This is the concept of "intention," the understanding that sound/music has the ability to transmit the intention of the one creating the sound to the one receiving the sound. Intention is the energy behind the sound. It is the thought and will which we have when making music or sound. If you are angry or sad when making a sound, despite the frequency of the sound (which creates its resonance), the effect of the sound will convey anger or sadness. Conversely, if we are happy or joyful when we create the sound, its effect, regardless of the actual sound being created, will be one of joy.
Dr. Masaru Emoto's work provided factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. So wait no longer to begin using music and water in your daily life. Break out the water, the music and your positive affirmations. As you drink and use this water and it becomes a part of your cellular structure, be sure to take note of the positive changes that occur in your life. Music Heals!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Your Environment and You
Certain things can affect the ambiance of a room without anyone realizing it, such as the arrangement of furniture, decorations, and colors. By simply changing one of these things, you can lead a healthier and more stress-free life than ever before. There are many products available to you that can be placed in your home to soothe and comfort you and your family. Learn more about Serenity Health and how their quality fountains and relaxation products can help improve your health and wellness.
Another factor in the environment most of us do not pay attention to is the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink and whether or not they are purified and bacteria-free. Most people do not realize the importance of this factor in our own homes, and thus could be breathing or drinking harmful by-products in our environment. Clean Air 4 Life provides personal air purifiers as well as air and water purifiers for home and office to purify your internal and external environment and help you lead a healthier life.
Last but not least, an important health factor in our homes is the combination of the ambiance and the type of air we breathe. The type of air we breathe can contribute to our ability to be relaxed in different environments. For example, the climate we experience next to an ocean relaxes and balances our system, due to the binding of ionized salt particles and positive dust particles in the air. Such an environment can be experienced in your home with the Solay Crystal Salt Fog Ionizer, which creates a neutral frequency in the room with the use of natural salt crystals. Solay also provides products to cleanse the environment you live in, such as salt lamps, serenity bowls, candle holders, home cleaners, and other all-natural products to improve your well-being. Visit Solay Wellness, Inc. to check out their products and find the ones that fit the necessities of your individual lifestyle.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Clear Note on Natural Pain and Stress Relief
It does not matter what condition you have or what treatment you are receiving. A proven method of natural pain relief and stress relief is at hand. There is virtually no cost for this marvelous product and there are no known negative side effects.
Music is medicine for the body, mind and spirit. Music medicine has powerful effects on the human form. Like all medicines, music can be used to bring about a healthy harmonious state of being or be misused to bring about harm to the human experience. We as a culture and people are now able to confirm this is ancient knowledge, through today’s advancements in our scientific and medical research.
The key, to using music’s positive effects in our individual lives, is the understanding that music is sound vibrations, creatively manipulated into organized sounds and silences. We all know that vibrations affect and alter other vibrations. Consider the effect for fingernails dragged across the surface of a chalkboard on your senses or the sound of a crash on your adrenaline level.
Specifically music involves complex generative forms in time through the construction of patterns and combinations of natural stimuli; principally sound. Music is organized in time and consists of pitch (which includes melody and harmony, rhythm (which includes tempo and meter) and the quality of the sound (which includes timbre, articulation, dynamics, and texture). Each of these elements directly affects the mind, body and spirit of mankind.
Each aspect of music affects us differently.
Music Can:
In your mind-
- move a person from one brain wave pattern to another. There are four basic categories of brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. closely link to memory
- alter your sense of time divert your attention activates and increases the creative human trait
- release hormones, Without a person’s consciences awareness music causes neurochemical activity in the body of such power that listening to a favorite piece of music will stimulate the same pleasure reward centers as an orgasm, eating chocolate, drinking champagne, or experiencing the high of an additive drug.
In your spirit-
- stimulates the emotions
- change your “state of mind
Want to know more? Please visit the Center for Music Medicine and investigate for yourself the science and art of healing music.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Herbal Remedies and Natural Supplements
Discover a natural way to experience cleaner healthier indoor air, enjoy a natural way to clean your lungs and your home, explore an inexpensive way to re-hydrate and re-mineralize your skin and body. 100% cruelty free. 100% effective with a 90 day money back guarantee. Visit Solay Wellness for a comprehensive selection of non-toxic home cleaners, mineral rich salts and skin care, Solay ionizing salt lamps, and so much more. Created by nature – and in harmony with nature – Solay Wellness products promote and maintain health, wellness, natural beauty and a healthier home environment.
The Chopra Center for Wellbeing brings together the talents of a number of professionals in the conventional, complementary, and alternative medicine fields. This expert team creates an environment that embodies the essence of healing, and under Dr. Simon's direction, provides alternative medicine consultations, therapeutic body treatments, health workshops, meditation instruction, hospital program development, and corporate training courses. The emphasis at the Center is on providing guidance to help individuals promote their own longevity, human potential and success, while increasing personal balance, happiness, and fulfillment.
Possessing the skills to help yourself and family naturally.
Feeling safe, confident, secure and knowledgeable in making your own herbal home remedies.
Having more energy and feeling healthier.
NOT feeling overwhelmed when you look in an herb book or walk into a health food store.
Saving money by learning to make your OWN remedies.
Becoming a home medicine maker or herbalist.
Order Now
Get top name vitamins and supplements at over 20% OFF! Click here for more information.
In order to learn more about natural healing and find many more resources related to a variety of products and services you may be interested in, visit TAP Natural Remedies now and start on your path to a healthier, more natural lifestyle.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Natural Remedies - Alternatives for Life
Hello and welcome to TAP Natural Remedies blog page.
You’re going to find quite a diversity of topics here but they all have a connection to natural remedies. Though important and represented, I want to go beyond the obvious of vitamins, minerals, and personal care products and launch into many other areas where solutions to “issues” might just be overcome through natural and holistic remedies.
We are anxious to launch into reviews, comments and recommendations about natural remedies and holistic remedies that address issues of concern for the body, the mind, the spirit and the planet. So much of what we can do to better our lives is normally right within our reach and costs us only the energy of visualization, placing our attention and intention on that idea/vision and knowing/expecting, the desired results will manifest. It’s the Law. It works every time.
This blog, and our new affiliate website TAP Natural Remedies, ( will cover all areas in which natural remedies can be applied; Herbal Remedies and Natural Supplements, Holistic Healing and Spirituality, Natural Pain and Stress Relief, Environment and Metaphysics which will include healing music, sound therapy, hypnosis and a whole lot more that anyone, and everyone, can use to better harmonize with the conditions found amongst us.
We are all in a time of great awakening and discovery and are likely to encounter dissonant frequencies as we transit these ever flowing and changing harmonics we perceive as “reality”. TralleArt Productions, LLC, TAP Natural Remedies and the Center for Music Medicine ( recognize these conditions and will continue our efforts and labor towards the uplifting of consciousness. Welcome Aboard.